Shoes help to protect our feet against rough or dangerous grounds, hot pavements, and germs—so they are considered a basic necessity for an individual to possess. Having access to a functional and well-fitting pair of shoes is a surprising need for many children throughout Hillsborough County,  even in the ever growing and advancing Brandon area.

Every year the Kiwanis Club of Greater Brandon asks the guidance counselors at our participating Terrific Kid Elementary Schools to send requests for students they feel are in need of athletic shoes using the form below. Guidance counselors are welcome to reach out to teachers and other staff members at their schools to include any recommendations they may have.

Using the funds provided by corporate sponsors and private donations made by members of our community, we purchase new athletic-style shoes and deliver them to the school to be distributed to the children who need them.

Counselors and school officials, please use the form below to submit the needs request for your school. Please only submit one request per school. If you need to update or change your request, please email

Submit Kiwanis Kicks Need Request

  • Please provide each student's name and their shoe size.
    Student NameShoe Size